2008年12月9日 星期二

First try!

Wednesday morning we went on SL to go through an online meeting instead of having a class in the so-called classroom. First of all, I haddifficulties in moving because I had no idea how to move in SL; however, people seemed not to respond to my question. Maybe there were too many people chatting there or they didn’t get what I asked, maybe……QQ. In freebie island, I met H who was a freebie from germany and I instructed him how to go to other places but he didn’t really understand what I talked about. Perhaps because there was something wrong with my instruction (not clear and simple enough) or his English ability was not as high as I thought, he couldn’t immediately understand what I was trying to tell him.
Most of the time he responded “nice” to me, I thought maybe it was one of the clues to his English ability. He didn’t have enough English vocabulary or didn’t have much idea about pragmatics which meant he was not good at social talks in English. What’s more, his sentences were not grammatically correct.

hams: how are you?
Amandast: pretty good!
hams: nice
Amandast: u know how to move
hams: cann you speak germany
Amandast: sorry i can't
hams: ok
Amandast: well actuallu i speak chinese
hams: are you from a long time in this program? (not a correct sentence but I could guess what he meant)
hams: oh nice but i can not speak it
Amandast: not really, i'm a newbee
hams: ok this is the first day for me here
hams: i dont know it good (should be “well” instead of good)
Amandast: wow it's my second day
hams: oh nice
Amandast: me either
hams: and from where you are?
hams: ?
Amandast: u can go to newbie heaven first , there are lotsa of free stuff
Amandast: Taiwan
hams: oh nice

Several minutes later, he asked somebody else how to get to other places and left me behind even though I was still talking to him. At that moment, I felt he didn’t know what the hell etiquette is. A conversation without closing irritated me.

ortiz: whats up hams
hams: i want go to anothe place
ortiz: do you have any property?
hams: i dont now nothing
hams: no
Amandast: property? what did u mean
hams: i dont whant to be here
hams: is not nice
hams: how can i go o another city
Amandast: haha
hams: ?
Amandast: use search
hams Xue: then'
hams Xue: ?
Amandast Dezno: but i haven't teleported successfully so far
Amandast: BTW, hams u know how to move
Amandast: i have no idea
Amandast: how to waLK
(Then he didn’t answer me anymore and just walked away to talk to somebody else)
When I chatted with my classmates, I sometimes coded switch in English and Chinese. The reason why we did this was that we were short of vocabulary.

Amandast: 哇靠!!!!
Amandast: where's my hair
Amandast: my haven't plan to 出家so far
Cherry1213: ??
wienier: ???
Amandast: hu~it shows up
Amandast: when i log in my hair's gone

Cherry1213 Lemon: press 即時通
wienie: cause the window opens slowly
Cherry1213: and there is log chat

4 則留言:

M.Y. 提到...

Is it because of language ability or games? Is it out of fun or pretention? Will it make a difference if you speak German with him? You may wish to search "Language Translator" and wear it.

Amanda 提到...

Maybe one of the reasons is he was pretentious. But I think his English ability is also an important factor because he asked me do I speak germany at the beginning. If I speak germany, he may be more friendly to me. But I really don't like this person, how impolite!

Jason's 提到...

what did might be the reason you mention because of the language. Equally, when i traveled in Malasiya, i cannot speak the local language, they treated me coldly. however, one of our group members can speak a little, the local people are ethusiastic. It's might be the barrie between languages.

Amanda 提到...

Wwll, I think I realy need a language translator.