In the online meeting, we chated with each other on purpose instead of chit chatting. As usual, everyone greeted each other as opening. Almost in every chat, I used greeting as opening to continue my comversation. However, when I met my close friends such as Wienie, I won’t greet her at the beginning; instead, I hit the point.
Amandast Dezno: where r u
Amandast Dezno: i got uo at 730 to work on my ppt= =
wienie Sweetwater: hey
wienie Sweetwater: did you get my PPT
wienie Sweetwater: Amenda!!!!!!!!!
Amandast Dezno: yes
Amandast Dezno: hi
Von Waydelich: Hi
Von Waydelich: Pardon, i don´t see you
When we talked, almost everyone would use emoticons. We didn’t have difficulties in understanding each other at some times; however, once a interlocutor didn’t understand what I want to express with the emoticon “ XD” which I used a lot when I chated with my friends. The reason might be the background difference. Because my friends and I have the same cultural context about emoticons, so we understand each other without difficulties. Instead, P and I are from different countries and therefore we couldn’t comprehend what the other side meant.
TA Putzo: ah...she got it, you got it amanda
DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: huh
DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: lol
Amandast Dezno: so smart!
wienie Sweetwater: is he in our online english class?
Amandast Dezno: yes= =
wienie Sweetwater: who??
Amandast Dezno: i'm too poor
Amandast Dezno: XDD --->get it?
Paul11 Osterham: ?
Amandast Dezno: it means hahaha
Paul11 Osterham: sorry..
Amandast Dezno: chinese way actually
Paul11 Osterham: for ?
Amandast Dezno: because it looks like the facial expression og laughing
Paul11 Osterham: wow
Through the process of negotiation, we use lots of overt of agreement, overt of disagreement,repetetion, clarification, which play important roles in continueing and furthering the conversation. Asking questions is one of the key ways to continue the conversation for me actually.
TA Putzo: Are you satisfied with the tools/page elements Blogger offered?
wienie Sweetwater: and that's easy to memorize
Amandast Dezno: not really
Cherry1213 Lemon: notrealyy
TA Putzo: why?
TA Putzo: does dome functions bother you?
iris75 Karu: not really
Cherry1213 Lemon: it's hard to edit if u wants to post pictures
iris75 Karu: strange in their tools
Amandast Dezno: i get used to the usage of Taiwanes Blog so .....i don't think blogger is convenient as pixnet or other blogs in TW
TA Putzo: do you have other blogs beside this one?
Cherry1213 Lemon: i have another blog for another sharing
wienie Sweetwater: but a lot in the "wretch" XD
Cherry1213 Lemon: me too haha
iris75 Karu: me too
Amandast Dezno: me too
TA Putzo: like someone will visit your blog constantly but you dont' know who they are in real life
wienie Sweetwater: no.....
Amandast Dezno: maybe not
iris75 Karu: no
TA Putzo: Do you think your blog is a global platform?
Amandast Dezno: kind of
Cherry1213 Lemon: yeah
iris75 Karu: yeah
wienie Sweetwater: yes