2009年6月9日 星期二

Chatting In Cypris Village

About two weeks ago, I participated in the group of Cypris Village, which I intend to do the research on. In fact, I didn’t show my intention of interviewing the community at first, but the founder greeted me enthusiastically and answered my questions patiently. It was a nice beginning for me, since I have encountered countless difficulties in interviewing language institutions.

In order to have better understanding of my target interviewee, I attended the class the next day I aimed at it. Class hours are from 9 to12 in second life time, Monday to Thursday, three hours each time in total. I found out there were lots of participants from Japan in our class and the professor seems to speak Japanese well even if he’s an American. It is an English learning community based on voice chat, assisting with text chat. The topic we discussed that day was how to respond to people who are talking about nonsense, something offensive, trying to piss you off. There were 15 people in the class and one-third was native speakers from America, Australia, and Malaysia. The others were from German, Japan, china, etc. For the first hour, the leading instructor greeted everyone of us one by one and asked us to share the most unpleasant chatting experience in SL. For the second hour, we received a notecard on which phrases you could use to respond were listed. Then we took turns to play roles in an offensive guy and a responder. In addition to learning the useful phrases, our intonations of representing these phrases were also corrected by the instructors. We worked together on thinking other possible responses as well and it was really interesting to join the role playing. For the last hour, we visited and looked around another place for fun. Within the three hours, when the leading instructor chatting with us, another instructor will explain some words in the conversation immediately with text.

It was such a nice experience in SL and I was sparked to have further attendances at the community in the future.
