2008年12月28日 星期日
There's no true speech freedom in class
You think that you have the speech freedom as a citizen; however, the belief are not really carried in class sometimes.
“There are inevitable confrontations, or “flame wars,” that may not be as acceptable or controllable in writing contexts as in the classroom.” Indeed in the classroom, especially in senior high school or junior high school in Taiwan, students are not encouraged to challenge or query others’ discourses. Besides, learners are apt to provide positive feedbacks instead of heckling, so there may be less sparks aroused in the classroom than in cyberspace. Learners taste true essence of speech freedom in cyberspace and not to be afraid of embarrassing somebody else in public since we are “faceless”. The freedom on Internet is entirely different from the freedom in class which is chosen in some aspects and under-controlled.
In the process of debate, “bad words” which are highly restricted in class often show up unexpectedly. Is it bad because learners could be polluted? Of course not. “Bad word” is a part of social life and could not be acquired through traditional courses, which enable learners to express emotion.
On the contrary, learners may be easily shocked by others’ direct responses or offensive discourse. Therefore, students had better well prepare psychically when they try to publish personal discourse online in forums
Learners can socialize themselves through Internet as well no matter in language or other aspects. Internet creates contact zone for us to connect other people around the world.
An attract title makes your article special and plays an important role as a vanguard in preaching your ideas.
Here is a clip which provides you some ideas about how to write a title.
2008年12月27日 星期六
Why do I text?
“When speakers engage their productive modalities by speaking, they may be pushed to pay attention and change their syntactic output in order to communicate effectively.” In some ways, I’ll agree with Jepson, K. on this argument, but on the other hand, I think that if the speaker doesn’t aim to acquire L2 through negotiation, he/she may not modify his/her output for effective communication. As we learned in class that Kelly met a native speaker in SL and didn’t get the answer to her question about her non-understanding.
[18:50] Harley Bigbear: showmei does your doctor know you talk to els, or would he belive
[18:50] showmei Burnstein: DOCTOR?[18:50] showmei Burnstein: what do u mean?[18:50] Harley Bigbear: nothing my dear[18:51] Harley Bigbear: just a little tom foolery[18:51] showmei Burnstein: oh lol
“The text chat environment may promote more of a need for repair moves due to breakdowns in communication related to topic incoherence.” Indeed, speakers in text chat switch their topics more easily so that it may cause non-understanding resulted from incoherence. Breakdowns in communication promote speakers to negotiate so as to comprehend the content. In order to catch up the speed of communication in text chat, learners may have no choice but to apply themselves to the English environment with their metalinguistic knowledge. When they “engage in modified interaction, triggered mainly by lexical confusion, which could facilitate SLA”, learners acquire vocabulary by looking them up or feedbacks.
However, the experiment shows that in text chat learners have much less repair moves than in voice chat. I think one of the reason might be that speakers could easily go back to previous text or search for relative information online at the same time, so they are apt not to negotiate.
The author brought up an idea that “many participants seemed to be bilingual or multilingual and belonged to a group of people distinguished by multiple literacies.” In my opinion, speakers in the same group ultimately would be from similar literacies because there may be fewer breakdowns, disagreements or conflicts in communication. As the saying goes “birds of a feather flock together”, it is hard for speakers to continue their conversations once there are too many unresolved discrepancies.
“Self-correction is largely dependent on the social context” and in some context, “learners may not see the need for accuracy or may perceive self-correction as face threatening.” Most of the cases I learned shows that native speakers tend not to correct themselves if errors don’t interfere with understanding. On the other hand, most speakers who self correct errors, in order not to confuse interlocutors, know their interlocutors’ non-native backgrounds. And in my experiences, I take self-correction as a kind of self awareness instead of face threatening.
2008年12月23日 星期二
How does "faceless" work on you?
It is more convenient to approve English through internet-based facilities no matter in text chat or voice chat because of its accessibility and convenience. In the process, learners are in charge of their own learning instead of sitting and listening in regular class. When it comes to Moo like Second life which is one of the era-crossing innovations in language education and provides users another state of visual stimulation, I believe that most of us would choose Moo as the medium to converse with other language learners when it compared with tandems. It enables users to proceed with more real role play and at the same time, participants converse as if they are face to face because of the contact of avatars.
However, speakers and interlocutors do not always respond to each other as they think, so sometimes how repair moves work in negotiation depends on interlocutors. Take Kelly's experience for example which she shared in class, when she didn't understand what the interlocutor talked about, she asked for explanation but somehow the interlocutor didn't answer her directly, instead, he just said it was a joke. In the same setting, even none of the other participants answered her. I guess, for some native speakers, having a conversation with somebody else is for fun rather than learning a language so that they somehow lack a kind of motivation to keep it rolling.
On the contrary, while I was talking to a French guy, he often expressed his ideas as clearly as possible so as not to confuse me and he even corrected his typing errors before I got confused. Native speakers who don’t intent to practice language with learners or have no idea about their interlocutors seem to predominate the conversation most of the time; hence, if they don’t pass the ball back, it would reduce opportunities to negotiate meanings.
How does "faceless work on you in virtual world then?
2008年12月10日 星期三
SEX seems naked

Then I met another person who was also from Frence but I didn’t really feel comfortable to talk with him. I tried to guide our conversation into an more intellectual way instead of only talking about sex all the way. Here mamy people accosted me in order to have sex, I guessed. A guy even left me immediately without saying anything when I didn’t respond his request of doing something together. May it’s the time for European guys in SL because I often met Europeans at 6:00 pm. to 10 pm.
I found out that native speakers didn’t really care about wrong spelling or typing; however, if the interlocutor knew you were a non-native speaker, he or she would have self-corrections in order not to cause non-understanding.
robinwood Plutonian: don't it's feeling....
Amandast Dezno: u'r wrong haha
robinwood Plutonian: *my
robinwood Plutonian: shame
robinwood Plutonian: u can many things here
robinwood Plutonian: *do
Amandast Dezno: for example?
Paul11 Osterham: just continue to work o it..
Paul11 Osterham: on it*
Sometimes people may come to SL for the language purpose. I am the evidence. In addition, I met a guy who spoke Spanish to me even though his Spanish was not very well. Or maybe he thought I am a spanish speaker, so it would be easier to accost people by speaking the same language.
Davis Piers: sabe aonde eu compro cortes de cabelo?
Amandast Dezno: well
MerryGentryNicessus Fairey shouts: Dark this dweeb is following your wife
Amandast Dezno: are u speaking spanish
Davis Piers: very pooor
Amandast Dezno: i'm poorer than u
Davis Piers: shop free head
Davis Piers: ?
Amandast Dezno: ?
Amandast Dezno: what did u mean
Davis Piers: yes
Davis Piers: i need buy head
Amandast Dezno: oh~
Davis Piers: aisuhasiu
Davis Piers: no
Amandast Dezno: i have no idea where to buy head actually
Amandast Dezno: sorry
Davis Piers: ok, thanks
People come to SL for different reasons but one of the main motive is about “sex”. "Sex" seems naked in SL because you don't have to hide it. Most of the men I met told me they came for girls or sex. Second life is indeed a good place for people to explore what you won’t do or not easy to do in real life. Maybe some people would think in SL we are not who we are and that is not the real self, just a virtual world. However, in SL, many people express their deep feelings instead of hiding their ture thought because of worring to offend others. They show their desires for sex and their subconsciousness. Therefore, in some way, I will say that people are "true" in SL.
Meet you guys in SL

In the online meeting, we chated with each other on purpose instead of chit chatting. As usual, everyone greeted each other as opening. Almost in every chat, I used greeting as opening to continue my comversation. However, when I met my close friends such as Wienie, I won’t greet her at the beginning; instead, I hit the point.
Amandast Dezno: where r u
Amandast Dezno: i got uo at 730 to work on my ppt= =
wienie Sweetwater: hey
wienie Sweetwater: did you get my PPT
wienie Sweetwater: Amenda!!!!!!!!!
Amandast Dezno: yes
Amandast Dezno: hi
Von Waydelich: Hi
Von Waydelich: Pardon, i don´t see you
When we talked, almost everyone would use emoticons. We didn’t have difficulties in understanding each other at some times; however, once a interlocutor didn’t understand what I want to express with the emoticon “ XD” which I used a lot when I chated with my friends. The reason might be the background difference. Because my friends and I have the same cultural context about emoticons, so we understand each other without difficulties. Instead, P and I are from different countries and therefore we couldn’t comprehend what the other side meant.
TA Putzo: ah...she got it, you got it amanda
DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: huh
DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: lol
Amandast Dezno: so smart!
wienie Sweetwater: is he in our online english class?
Amandast Dezno: yes= =
wienie Sweetwater: who??
Amandast Dezno: i'm too poor
Amandast Dezno: XDD --->get it?
Paul11 Osterham: ?
Amandast Dezno: it means hahaha
Paul11 Osterham: sorry..
Amandast Dezno: chinese way actually
Paul11 Osterham: for ?
Amandast Dezno: because it looks like the facial expression og laughing
Paul11 Osterham: wow
Through the process of negotiation, we use lots of overt of agreement, overt of disagreement,repetetion, clarification, which play important roles in continueing and furthering the conversation. Asking questions is one of the key ways to continue the conversation for me actually.
TA Putzo: Are you satisfied with the tools/page elements Blogger offered?
wienie Sweetwater: and that's easy to memorize
Amandast Dezno: not really
Cherry1213 Lemon: notrealyy
TA Putzo: why?
TA Putzo: does dome functions bother you?
iris75 Karu: not really
Cherry1213 Lemon: it's hard to edit if u wants to post pictures
iris75 Karu: strange in their tools
Amandast Dezno: i get used to the usage of Taiwanes Blog so .....i don't think blogger is convenient as pixnet or other blogs in TW
TA Putzo: do you have other blogs beside this one?
Cherry1213 Lemon: i have another blog for another sharing
wienie Sweetwater: but a lot in the "wretch" XD
Cherry1213 Lemon: me too haha
iris75 Karu: me too
Amandast Dezno: me too
TA Putzo: like someone will visit your blog constantly but you dont' know who they are in real life
wienie Sweetwater: no.....
Amandast Dezno: maybe not
iris75 Karu: no
TA Putzo: Do you think your blog is a global platform?
Amandast Dezno: kind of
Cherry1213 Lemon: yeah
iris75 Karu: yeah
wienie Sweetwater: yes
2008年12月9日 星期二
First try!
Most of the time he responded “nice” to me, I thought maybe it was one of the clues to his English ability. He didn’t have enough English vocabulary or didn’t have much idea about pragmatics which meant he was not good at social talks in English. What’s more, his sentences were not grammatically correct.
hams: how are you?
Amandast: pretty good!
hams: nice
Amandast: u know how to move
hams: cann you speak germany
Amandast: sorry i can't
hams: ok
Amandast: well actuallu i speak chinese
hams: are you from a long time in this program? (not a correct sentence but I could guess what he meant)
hams: oh nice but i can not speak it
Amandast: not really, i'm a newbee
hams: ok this is the first day for me here
hams: i dont know it good (should be “well” instead of good)
Amandast: wow it's my second day
hams: oh nice
Amandast: me either
hams: and from where you are?
hams: ?
Amandast: u can go to newbie heaven first , there are lotsa of free stuff
Amandast: Taiwan
hams: oh nice
Several minutes later, he asked somebody else how to get to other places and left me behind even though I was still talking to him. At that moment, I felt he didn’t know what the hell etiquette is. A conversation without closing irritated me.
ortiz: whats up hams
hams: i want go to anothe place
ortiz: do you have any property?
hams: i dont now nothing
hams: no
Amandast: property? what did u mean
hams: i dont whant to be here
hams: is not nice
hams: how can i go o another city
Amandast: haha
hams: ?
Amandast: use search
hams Xue: then'
hams Xue: ?
Amandast Dezno: but i haven't teleported successfully so far
Amandast: BTW, hams u know how to move
Amandast: i have no idea
Amandast: how to waLK
(Then he didn’t answer me anymore and just walked away to talk to somebody else)
When I chatted with my classmates, I sometimes coded switch in English and Chinese. The reason why we did this was that we were short of vocabulary.
Amandast: 哇靠!!!!
Amandast: where's my hair
Amandast: my haven't plan to 出家so far
Cherry1213: ??
wienier: ???
Amandast: hu~it shows up
Amandast: when i log in my hair's gone
Cherry1213 Lemon: press 即時通
wienie: cause the window opens slowly
Cherry1213: and there is log chat