When the posting constructs rival atmosphere between Serena and Blair, it would succed to attract numerous readers resposes than other postings about love affairs or relationships between characters. On Oct. 8th and 10th, many readers show their emotional feelings as well as opinions toward the target character. One reader even wrote a warming note in respose to Serena. As following,

Another reader imitated Gosssip Girl who is the real blogger to gossip about affairs around Upeer East siders.

Many readers don’t use simplified words but Some of them wrote response with lots of simplified words such as 2(to), cus(because), n(and) and so on. According to it, I presume some of the readers who use simplified words a lot are young people or people from the lower economic class.
8 則留言:
WOW! I am impressed by your photos. How do you know a blogger's age and social/economic status? Why do you relate them to the use of abbreviations?
According to what I learned from sociolinguistics, a person who is from lower economic status might use abbreviation more than others in higher social classes. Besides, adolescents might have higher chance to use abbreviation and it would be used less and less when they grow older.
Who is the researcher? Is this conclusion based on a personal observation or an empirical study? Does a language user write in different styles (e.g., formal v. informal) in different settings?
The book I used in sociolinguistics is Holmes, Janet. 1996. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Longman. I think it’s an empirical study but you remind me that language users write in different styles in varied setting. I entirely neglected the difference writing styles in different settings when I wrote review 4. But one of the reason that why I made the conclusion is there were only a few of readers who posted responses used lots of abbreviation and therefore, I presume the reasons without considering other indispensable factors.
I am impressed by your review, which makes me want to watch Gossip girl.
When I read your review, I also wonder why the use of abbreviation is related to the lower economic social status. Maybe it needs more consideration about different aspects but you did a good job of analyzing. :)
Indeed I need to cinsider more aspects which would influence people's writing style. The series is worth a watch and the readers use the same way of talking like characters in their responses.
Thanks for sharing. Never know using abbreviation can determine the social status.But many bloggers use abbrevations to write their blog. Are there from lower class?
Are they from lower class?